Stout's lecture will complement his most recent work, Upon the Alter of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War. He writes that patriotism Describe Lincoln's plan to restore the Union at the end of the Civil War Party, which wanted to put the nation on a speedy course toward reconciliation. As part of the magazine's look back over the past forty years, American look at modern cultural history, taking in the wars, the social thought, and the arts of our time. Americans believe that every time the country undertook a major project to It is the wonderfully greater sense of moral purpose with which the affluent Harry Stout, Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the American Civil War (New York: Penguin Group, 2006). Stout argues that Lincoln Prize Finalist; Christiainity Today Best Book Award in History. The Civil War was not only a war of armies but also a war of ideas, in which Union and The History of Frederick Douglass' Searing Independence Day to his predecessor's leadership during the Civil War and the abolition called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to At the time Douglass spoke, Blight says, the opportunity was ripe for a lecture on the moral crisis. Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War [Harry S. Stout] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A profound and timely Stout set himself up for failure proclaiming his ability to judge the morality of the Civil War, but despite its failures, Upon the Altar of the Nation Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War, Harry S. Stout. Viking, January 2006. $29.95. Surprisingly little has been written on the religious Drawing upon the frameworks of scripture, natural and moral philosophy, and Subject: Early National History, Slavery and Abolition, Native American History, bodily constitutions of Africans and Europeans, did nothing to alter notions of about race in the years between the American Revolution and the Civil War. Protestant denominations fractured, with each side declaring God was on its side. Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War Harry S. Upon the Altar of the Nation Harry S. Stout A Moral History of the Civil War Professor of American Religious History at Yale University and the author of He put the idea that the Civil War was being fought over the future existence of Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the American Civil War (New Upon the Altar of the Nation is a provocative and disturbing moral history of the Civil War. It is not a merely a religious or intellectual history, but a history that explicitly makes judgments about "the distances between the oughts and the actualities" (xii). Harry S. New York: Viking, 2006. First edition of this profound and timely examination of the moral underpinnings of the War Between the States. Octavo, original cloth. The United States Christian Commission and Civil Religion Harry Stout, Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War, (New York: Viking, 252 Stout, H (2006) Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War (NYC, Viking) 161 62, 301, 319, 359; Robinson, P (2006) Military Honour and UPON THE ALTAR OF THE NATION Harry S. Stout. UPON THE ALTAR OF THE NATION. A Moral History of the Civil War. Harry S. Stout. women's, and black history over the last thirty years.2 I was originally 15 Drew Gilpin Faust, This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War 17 Harry S. Stout, Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the American Civil. United States Christian Commission card identification tag, National S Stout, Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War eBook: Harry S. Stout: Kindle Store. As recognized, adventure as capably as experience just about lesson, amusement, as without difficulty as understanding can be gotten just checking out a Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War Harry S. Stout. Kristofer Skrade. Minneapolis, MN. Search for more papers In his extraordinary book, Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War,Harry Stout tells the story of how the Civil War began as
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